November 19, 2008

worship :: 2008.11.19

These are my worship picks for November 19, 2008.

Go Outside :: Robbie Seay Band

All To Show :: Hillsong London

November 11, 2008

open office instead of microsoft office

Whenever I need new software, I always like to try to find something open source and free. If it does the job, then that's great.

It's not that I don't want to pay for software (although I do get frustrated every time I have to get the latest "upgrade" for $100). Mainly, it's because I work with a lot of volunteers in an organization where the work gets spread out among many people.

If we all want to be able to work on a document together, then we all need the same software. It's just so much easier if it's free to say, "Hey, go download so-and-so for free, and take a look at this document."

So, for over 5 years now, I've used OpenOffice instead of Microsoft Office. I have saved hundreds of dollars, and I'm able to do everything I need to get my job done.

Check out OpenOffice here ...

I use this piece of software by far more than any other. I write all documents, do all my spreadsheets, prepare slide presentations, and create databases.

Since most other people out there use Microsoft Office, then it's important to be able to read their documents and to be able to produce documents that they can read. This is no problem with OpenOffice. In fact, I usually save all my files in the standard Microsoft formats. That way, if I ever need to email one to a friend, they're already in the correct format.

I love OpenOffice, and I hope you'll give it a shot... especially if you work with volunteers or in a non-profit where resources are limited and many people may be involved in sharing and working on documents.

November 7, 2008

worship :: 2008.11.07

These are my worship picks for November 7, 2008.

Now :: Hillsong London

Holy God :: Brian Doerksen

November 5, 2008

worship :: 2008.10.27

These are my worship picks for October 27, 2008 ...

Shout It Out :: Parachute Band

Grace :: Parachute Band

None But Jesus :: Hillsong

official candy of jim nivens

So, you just can't live without candy ... it's a proven fact. I, particulary, have quite a sweet tooth. I don't like to eat a ton of candy, but just a bite or two throughout the day.

I've broken it down into three categories: fruity, chocolatey, other.

Many people know of my Skittle fetish. I like to keep some Skittles in my bag. Then whenever the urge hits, I'll eat two or three ... no more. That's enough to keep me going.

I have a new favorite candy ... Midnight Dark Milky Way. I'm not crazy about original Milky Way, but this new one is way better. Not only did they add the dark chocolate, but they changed the nougat to something creamy, vanilla-ish. Very good!

Finally, how can you resist the maple, peanut goodness that is Mary Jane? It's similar to Bit-O-Honey except with maple syrup instead of honey. I wonder what would happen if you made something like that out of Molasses? ... mmmm. Spoken like a true Southerner.

Now I'll just sit back and wait for the endorsements to come in.